I was going to wait to release v2.3 when I had a larger list of changes, but due to a CTD problem, I'm releasing this verison (with African Chariot Fix) immediately. doesn't effect the game so-long as no human player plays an African nation, but if they do. I just checked and it's an error related to a missing button.
If you want "just the map", I don't have a seperate link for it (it does require a gamecode change for the 34-Civs and some things are Wolfshanze-Mod specific).Ĭlick to expand.Wow.
It's not much for gameplay changes, but a huge aesthetic upgrade (as well as some new units). Yes, it's a 200-meg download, but it's worth it for all the changes (not just the map but the other improvements as-well). Western Europe was crowded-enough as-isĦ) Goody-Hut swimming in Indian Ocean has been placed back on-land I did, however, make a few changes to said map:ġ) I changed Bismarck (Otto) to Hitler for GermanyĢ) Some map changes have been made, including opening-up some mountain passes in the South American Andes mountains, and allowing land travel up/down the Panama Isthmus (which was previously blocked)ģ) The Hawaiian Islands are now inhabitable (weren't before)Ĥ) All leader names are now FULL-LENGTH names, not cutesy half-names (perhaps most important change!)ĥ) Celts shipped-off to Ireland for starting location. Click to expand.I used the map Mamba referanced as a basis for my own map.