Eagle eyes because it increases perception by 4 and increases critical damage by 25%.
Speed Demon is helpful to get around in stealth mode because it increases your overall movement speed as well as increases reload speed but the down side to it is it causes all your consumption rates to be increased by 50%.
Marsupial is a very well rounded mutation because it increases jump height by 300% and gives the player 20 extra carry weight but the downside is it decreases your INTELLIGENCE by 4.
Starched Genes so one can still use Radaway without losing the mutations for this build.
Scrounger to find more ammo in containers like duffle bags and ammo creates, this also applies to ammo like plasma cores and fusion cores.
Can Do! so you can find dog food easier in containers like trash cans.
Bloody Mess to add an additional 15% damage on top of the Shotgunner perk cards.
Escape Artist so you can break combat easily.
Covert Operative so your stealth attacks deal even more damage.
Adrenaline to make quick work of large crowds.
Action Boy/Girl is helpful when using V.A.T.S because it gives you a 45% AP regeneration bonus, you can also stack this perk card with Lone Wanderer to get 75% AP regeneration bonus!.
If YOU DON’T already have the Chinese Stealth Armor Blueprint then you’ll have to get 12 INTELLIGENCE to be able to pass a dialog skill check to get the Blueprint FOR FREE, otherwise you’ll have to pay 4000 gold bullion for the armor, and another 1650 gold bullion for the helmet.
Gunsmith because it allows you to build suppressors and causes your guns to degrade 50% slower when shot.
Lone Wanderer simply because it causes all damage you would receive to be reduced by 20% and also gives you a 30% AP regeneration bonus as well, you can stack this with Action Boy/Girl to get 75% AP regeneration bonus!.
Good Doggy is a very nice perk because it makes dog food three times as beneficial causing it to replenish 30% food per consumption which is better than all other canned goods and it’s fairly common.
Dromedary because it replenishes an additional 50% thirst when you consume any drink.
Skeet shooter is the only card you should worry about obtaining, because it increases the accuracy of shotguns and makes the pellet spread tighter.
Shotgunner, Expert Shotgunner, and Master Shotgunner should be obvious.
Traveling Pharmacy and Pack Rat they reduce the weight of junk, chems, and stims.
The key is to use V.A.T.S as much as possible because shotguns deal more damage in V.A.T.S than they do out of it. The damage output on pump action shotguns surpasses any rifle I have used, and if you use this build you will find that out for yourself. This build I have found is much more efficient than a stealth sniper build.